"The 50 Quid Bloke"


"This is the guy we've all seen in the record stores on a Friday afternoon, possibly after a drink or two, tie slightly undone, buying two CDs, a DVD and maybe a book - fifty quid's worth - and frantically computing how he's going to convince his partner that this is a really, really worthwhile investment. He is likely to be a big user of the web and probably owns an iPod and is an avid radio listener." 

The 50-Quid Bloke' was first talked about in July of 2003 by David Hepworth of Development, an independent magazine in a speech to the BPI's AGM. According to the BPI, the amount of 40 to 49 year olds buying albums has increased from 16.5% to 19.1%.'When the '50-Quid blokes' were younger, music was very central in their lives. Their social status, friends and fashion more or less revolved around music. But now they buy records, albums and music magazines to stay 'cool and current'. Record companies target '50-Quid blokes' as they know they are most likely to purchase records. 

The '50-Quid bloke' uses the web for websites such as Amazon to search for old albums and records. Some may some why not just get them on iTunes or Spotify but, the '50-quid bloke' likes to own thing and have an actual hard copy. He's not a fan of the Pop sensations like One Direction, but a strong lover of bands such as the White Stripes, Coldplay and Blur. 

Near enough everything can be done digitally and online so less and less people are buying hard copies.

Is this the end of CDs, albums and records?

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