

We had to create a questionnaire to help get our target audience to later build a customer profile. I made a questionnaire that consisted of 20 questions that ranged from simple closed questions and open questions.

The age range of the people who did my questionnaire ranged from 15-17 and the majority were female and the minority were male.

One of the questions I asked were 'how often do you buy magazines?' I gave the four options of 'Weekly, Monthly, Yearly and Never.' from the pie chart we can see that no one chose weekly or yearly. Most people buy them weekly and some don't buy them at all. 53.3% buy magazines monthly and this helps me to get an idea of how many times a year I would produce my magazine. 

I also got from my questionnaire that most people would be willing to pay between £1.51 - £2.00 and £2.01 - £3.00. I aim to put my magazine between these price ranges as that what consumers would like. 

For the appearance of my magazine I asked what colour themes people would like. Here are my results: a small amount of 5.9% people prefer dark colours for the theme and 23.5% liked a monochrome theme. 35.3% liked Bright colours and another 35.3% chose Pastel colours, so for my magazine I will opt for either a Bright or Pastel coloured theme as they had the same percentages. 

I also asked whether they would prefer cluttered or uncluttered and 18.8% chose 
cluttered whereas 81.3% opted for uncluttered. Therefore, for my magazine I plan to take the uncluttered approach. 

As I will have to design a double page spread, I thought it would be good to ask what content they most enjoy in magazines. It appears that the most enjoyed content are photo shoots with 29% then interviews with 25.8%. The least enjoyed are celebrity gossip columns, so I am most likely to not include them in my magazine and do a mixture of an interview and photo shoot. 

My next question was 'who would you rather have on the front cover?' The three options were 'a single artist,' 'celebrity' and 'a band'. The most popular answer was a single artist, then a celebrity and lastly a band. As a single artist seemed to appeal the most to everyone, I am most likely to use a single person on my front cover. Also, I will have one single image rather than a collection of small images as many preferred a single image and it would be uncluttered like many people I asked wanted. 

For my contents page, I asked whether people would prefer to see pictures, page heading or pictures and page headings. 14.3% liked just pictures, whereas only a small percentage of 7.1% liked only headings. Finally 78.6% liked the idea of both page headings and pictures.

I asked whether they would prefer a conventional approach or an unconventional approach and whilst many opted for conventional and few chose unconventional. However, I personally think the conventional route is better as unconventional magazines are seen differently by everyone and it is either liked or disliked. Whereas conventional magazines are more or less preferred by most as gathered from my research.

My next question was very important as it's what genre I plan to base my magazine upon. The question is 'What music genre do you prefer?' 5.9% said Metal was their preferred music genre and another 5.9% said the same for Classical. For Rap/Hip-Hop/RnB, Pop and Indie they all had the same percentage of 29.4%. As they are the most popular and preferred, I will choose from one of the three. I'm most likely to choose Rap/Hip-Hop/RnB as it's the genre that I personally like the most out of the three. 

The least favourite genres of all were Country and Heavy Metal with the highest percentages of 31.3%, then classical with 25%. Lastly was heavy metal and jazz both with 6.3%. From this, I know to avoid these genres as consumers wouldn't opt to buy my magazine. 

I learnt that not many buy magazines and those that do don't buy magazines apart from one which was 'Kerrang!' Those who do buy magazines, buy fashion magazine such as 'Elle', 'Vogue' and 'Cosmopolitan'. Others buy gossip magazines like 'OK!' and 'Hello'. 

My questionnaire gave me good results to help me develop my target audience and to have an idea of what to put in my magazine, as well as the style I want to go for. However, as I put my questionnaire out in a girls school, it means that I don't have much of an indication of what males would like therefore I don't have much of range of an audience. However this means I can make my target audience more specific to females and have my magazine appeal more to them as that is where most of my data predominantly stemmed from.

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  1. This is really thorough, Naomi. Make sure you keep up this level of attention to detail. Really good.


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