The Four F's


The Four F's consist of format, formula, frame and function.

1. Format: The format is the design of the every magazine issue. This is to maintain the magazines house style and theme. This includes the logo, cover lines, size of the magazine, department headers and other things that are repeatedly found in every issue. 

2.Formula: This is the editorial content of the magazine - what's in it. It includes the type of articles, the length of them, departments in the front and back of the magazine (sections that are in the magazine each time).

3.Frame: The frame is the standard size for outer page margins and the middle. Many magazines use the same margin width all the way through the magazine. Others vary the width, for example using tall top margins for features to be set apart.

4.Function: The function of the magazine is simply the point of the magazine. It's what message the magazine is trying to send to the customers.

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