What Uses and Gratifications do people get from reading magazines?


Reading magazines means that we get uses and gratifications from them. Gratification means a pleasure that is gained especially from the satisfaction of a desire. ne of the gratifications is ritual pleasure as we read them every day and every month in which therefore it becomes a routine in our lives. This is because we buy the new weekly/monthly issue of the same brand of magazine every time. 

Another gratification is visual and tactile pleasure and visual culture. We enjoy reading glossy, high quality magazine as they are nice to touch and beautiful to look at. Reading and holding a magazine isn't the same as holding an iPad, phone or seeing it on a laptop/computer. Visual culture is that we are obsessed with images and magazines are full of them. This makes us want to keep buying magazines as we enjoy them.

Billboard Magazine is targeted at young teens from the age of 16 to young adults and to the age of 26. The target audience varies as it provides an update of the charts but from various types of genres. The genre ranges from Pop, Metal, Rock, R&B, Country and many more. For example these covers of Billboard magazine have different types of artist from different genres like Kanye West and Lana Del Rey. Magazines provide information where audiences can find out about what's going on in their favourite genres such as which artists are going on gigs and tours. Customers of Billboard can find this easy as the magazine caters for so many different genres. Also they can read album reviews and interviews about artists, Billboard has a variety of different artist each month but there is something for all their readers. When the audiences reads the magazine they feel like they gain knowledge about their favourite genre of music and their favourite artists which can boost their self - esteem and power as they feel as if they know a lot. 

A gratification of music magazines is that it helps us to construct our identities as we can find out a sense of what we like and dislike. The magazines have a direct mode of address as the magazine 'speaks to you' which contributes to us forming identities. As Billboard caters for many different genres all of audience can feel like the magazine 'speaks to them' which can make us feel like part of a community which is another gratification. It can make us feel like a part of a community as we share the same interest and values as others who buy the magazine. 

Magazines often tend to give out freebies to attract more customers and to keep their current audiences as every. Everyone likes to get something for nothing. Music magazines usually give out free posters and free CD's. Another good use of magazines are that they are portable and always available. Any time, any place, any where you can have a magazine unlike TV and internet which aren't always available on the go.

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