How did you attract/address your audience?


Here is some feedback on what people thought about my magazine and what intrigued them.

In terms of the written language on my front cover and contents page I have used simple, straight to the point language as previously mentioned rap/hip-hop/RnB have lyrics that are straight to the point. So therefore I think my target audience would appreciate the language I have used throughout my magazine and they will be intrigued to read it. I haven't used a lot of stereotypical rap language such as 'yo' and 'swag' as I think this stereotype has begun to fade out and is less focused on.The language on my double page spread is more detailed as there is more information. As it's the beginning of an interview, it's more casual, laid back and less formal. I think this is attractive to my audience as stereotypically lovers of my chosen genre aren't formal and neither is the music so therefore they would find it enjoyable to read. 

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