What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


According to Wikipedia a media institution is 'a company that owns large numbers of companies in various mass media such as television, radio, publishing, movies, and the Internet.'

There are two different types of publishers. There are institutions and independent publishers. Institutions as previously mentioned is a company that owns other large companies and produces a mass of media. An independent publisher is one company that produces a small amount of magazines.

My text is aimed at a mass audience so I think it is most likely to be published by an institution. Although I do believe there is a gap in the market for my publication as there are many rock, indie and pop magazines such as MOJO, Q and NME here in the UK but not any Hip - Hop/Rap/RnB magazines. Looking at the NRS website there was a lack of magazines in this genre which proves their is a gap in the market. There has been magazines of the genre such as 'Hip - Hop Connection' which is the longest running monthly magazine devoted to hip - hop but it unfortunately did not last and published its 232nd and last issue in 2008. I think my magazine would be popular as the genre has become a lot more popular and apparent as artist such as Drake, Kanye West and J.Cole are well loved and very influential on this generation. 

I think I would want Bauer Media to publish my magazine. This is due to the fact that they are a multi - platform UK based group and is Europe's largest privately owned publishing group. They manage more than 600 magazines, over 400 digital products and 50 radio/TV stations around the world. They produce some of the top brands in the UK such as Kerrang!, Q and MOJO. Even though these magazines aren't the same genre as mine, Bauer is a very successful publisher and I think they'd help get my magazine out there and help contribute to making it successful. They manage over 600 magazines so they must have the correct strategy and I would love for them to apply that to my magazine and fill that gap in the market. 

My magazine would be sold in all types of store across the UK, firstly I would aim to get it into popular supermarkets such as Tesco and Sainsbury as many people tend to pick up a magazine on their weekly shop. I would also aim to get into into shops where books and magazine are more specifically sold such as WHSmith as many go in there with the intention of buying a magazine. Both locations would make my magazine more accessible and open my magazine up to a large audience people beyond my target audience which could be a bonus.

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