What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


I used a combination of different technologies to construct my product. 

When it came to taking my pictures I used a Canon Camera and my iPhone 5S. With the Canon the quality was very good and the definition was high however it took a while to get to grabs with it as I had never used one before. With the iPhone 5S the quality was good but obviously not as great as the Canon however I found that I liked using the iPhone as I am more familiar with it. I decided to take my pictures on the Canon however my front cover was taken on a Samsung Galaxy S5 without the intention of it being used for my magazine. But when I came across the picture again I saw the potential for it to be used for my magazine.

For the editing of my pictures I used my iPhone 5S, Word and Pixlr. I edited the backgrounds on my phone when I was trying out different filters and used 'Noir' which meant I didn't have to find a way to edit the green screen using Pixlr which saved me time. 

After that I turned to Pixlr to start editing my magazine further such as adding the masthead, cover lines and the double page spread. With Pixlr it took me a while to get to grabs with the software and also I had to take time to explore what each of the tools did and how I could use them. It was very useful in that I could apply layers and the eraser tool to create the masthead and cover line. The biggest advantage of Pixlr is that it helped me to achieve a professional finish which is the aim of the magazine.

I also used Word for my double page spread as I needed a bigger size font which I couldn't access on Pixlr. However it meant that I had to screenshot it then apply it on Pixlr which lead to the quality being deteriorated and it was a little pixelated. There isn't a lot of tools on word to make my whole magazine which is why I only used it a small amount. 

Overall at first I found Pixlr difficult to use as it was my first time. It was frustrating and time - consuming however I managed to overcome this as I used it more and more throughout editing my magazine. I found Word easy to use as I have used it a lot it just didn't provide all the tools that I needed to create a professional looking magazine. The Canon camera gave me good quality photos however as it was school's property I couldn't have it whenever I needed it. My iPhone 5S was very easy to use and helped me overcome the big issue of the green screen which I was yet to conquer. 

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